Featured In the Media Love


October 9, 2020

New York May 2022, Damian Browne & Fergus Farrell will push a 7m Ocean Rowing boat away from the dock and row out into The Hudson River. The next time their feet touch land will be 4937kms away, when they arrive in their hometown, Galway, Ireland. In the process and unsupported, they will endure and cross by manpower alone, one of the most unforgiving and ferocious pieces of water on the planet, The North Atlantic Ocean.

This project is founded on dreams, legacy, purpose and the belief that we can all achieve extraordinary things if we commit and do the work. 

Project EMPOWER’s mission is to empower all to find their true potential through the execution of planned ambitious endeavour. 
“We hope to give future generations of Ireland and the World, a real image and touchable action to emulate and inspire them to dream big in whatever avenue of life they pursue.”

They can’t do this without you. They need your help!

Damian & Fergus won’t get very far without a boat and they are launching their crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to build this specialised craft that will keep them safe on one of the World’s most unforgiving oceans.

If you want to support, click this link –https://igg.me/at/SBEgkxF41TQ/x/13658856#/ and purchase a Project EMPOWER perk and Join the Project EMPOWER crew now!

Film created by Lorcan Hynes is an award-winning Irish filmmaker. The Row -Written & Directed by Lorcan HynesCreative: Laurence O’ByrneDOP: Narayan Van MaeleColour: Peter Oppersdorff (Moving Picture Company)Music & Sound: Denis KiltyEdit: Rob HegartyFinishing: Jen Connolly (Raygun)Flame: Michael Dowling

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