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circular economy


Think Less and Think Local

December 11, 2023

Circular economy and how we can make an impact in our lives

 We could not have made our sustainable shopping event happen without Lisa, she brought the idea from pen and paper to reality. Networking with the local independent businesses and seeing how we can best support and include them to guiding us on our advertising, she didn’t miss a detail. 

On the evening of the event, she showcased all the chosen pieces of clothing and spoke of the importance of supporting local, sustainable shopping choices and the impact fast fashion is having on our environment and local high street.

Lisa spoke with such warmth and energy and that was reflected back to her with interactive conversation and interaction from the audience, we can’t wait to work with her on future events.

Regina Griffin, Galway Food Tours

Featured In the Media Love

Think Less and Think Local

October 11, 2023

In a move to support local business in a sustainable way, Galway Food Tours’ program of championing local producers, makers and business owners this winter has seen people come together to enjoy the best of what Galway has to offer.

On November 22nd- The Less really is more when it comes to building the wardrobe of your dreams event will take place in Kindf_olk. The aim for this gettogether is to talk and think about creating a practical capsule wardrobe.

PR Consultant and Sustainable Slow Fashion  Advocate Lisa Regan will choose staple pieces to take your wardrobe from Autumn to Winter from local sustainable fashion stores Kindf_olk, Aplomb, O’ Máille and Public Romance. Sharing with you all the tips and tricks on combining the staples with items you already have in your wardrobe to create comfortable chic outfits, while embracing your own style!

Of course, a beautiful outfit deserves a delicious glass of wine… so you will  finish the evening out showcasing some of the finest low intervention wines. This will be led by Gosia Letoswka  from ‘Side Hustle’ as she will take us on a grape  journey to Mosel and will advise on how to pick the perfect wines for the upcoming festive season!

People can enjoy a glass of Pet Nat from Wild Wines or Kombucha from All about Kombucha, Sheridan’s Cheese platters and Delicious Treats from Lán Kitchen.

When: November 22nd 6.30pm-8.30pm in real life Cost is  €20pp from Eventbrite or check out Galway Food Tours across social media.